Marketing x Design:

A powerhouse duo

Branding Design and Instagram Strategy for the Purpose-Driven Small Business Owner. Get Your Life Back, Slay Those Revenue Goals, and Make a Difference in the World.

Ready to finally start that dream business or grow your current one? Ditch the overwhelm and get stunning branding along with effective marketing strategies.

You have a vision and calling tucked into your heart, but something’s holding you back. Stop letting branding, graphic design, and marketing drain you of your passion and purpose.

Don’t stay captive to doubt and confusion. You can learn to market effectively, impact the world, and look stunningly professional while doing it.

Design that Attracts Ideal Clients
Confusion Free Instagram Strategy
Results-backed Marketing

Hey friend!

I’m your girl – a passionate creative who wants to share your vision with the world.

I’m Catherine Thompson, the lead designer, dreamer, and founder of Attisa Branding and Marketing. I create beautiful brands and high performing marketing strategy for women small business owners looking to make an impact on the world. I’ll often be researching a new marketing idea or dreaming up a design layout – picture starry-eyed me perched on the couch with a messy bun and hot drink in hand (or I’m watching Disney. One of the two).

A solo entrepreneur or business owner is expected to know everything. The pressure is fierce and on those long nights you wonder if your dream business can ever grow into anything sustainable. I’ve been there too.

But I learned that there’s a better way. And Attisa can help you get there.

Learn more about me…

What clients are Saying

“Having Catherine’s creative brain on my side was refreshing and wonderful.”

She’s epic at brainstorming and coming up with suggestions even when I’m stuck and don’t have much to contribute myself. I came away from our conversations with a better understanding of how Instagram works and how to best utilize it, clarified vision for what exactly I should be focusing on in my marketing, and loads of practical suggestions and tips to work on.

– Emma


Instagram Strategy + Post Design

Kick overwhelm to the curb. Revolutionize every part of your Instagram marketing to better serve your audience and save you important time.

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Brand Identity

Branding Design

Let’s get you some beautiful and cohesive design that delights and connects with your potential customers—increasing your revenue without losing your unique personality or brand mission.

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Launch and Development Services

Nobody wants to launch a product or book just to hear crickets. And you don’t have to. Get a professional designer and marketer on your launch team ASAP.

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“I can now much more easily work on putting my feed together”

“I hired Catherine Thompson at Attisa to help me with my ever-faltering Instagram aesthetic. I struggle mightily to define my aesthetic for Instagram and in general, so being able to look to someone to put all my miscellaneous ideas together in a cohesive way was absolutely necessary. She helped me by putting together a brand aesthetic and one specifically for Instagram, picking out the elements I needed, and setting me up with templates to help me move forward. I deeply needed this help, and it was done very well, so I can now much more easily work on putting my feed together.”

Kellyn Roth

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